A Warm Welcome Into the ICM Community

When I joined Leeds Illuminate as a Summer Associate and ICM Mosaic Fellow, I was excited to dive into the world of growth-stage impact investing. My summer internship exceeded my expectations in many ways – from the quality of ICM programming to the investing skills that I gained through hands-on experience at my host fund. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised that one of the most valuable aspects of the program turned out to be the extensive support I received from the broader ICM network.

Throughout the summer, ICM programming offered opportunities to connect with and learn from a remarkable group of purpose-driven and accomplished investors at all stages of their careers. I felt welcomed by this supportive community, which contributed to my success during the internship and helped me gain clarity around my future career path.

This sense of community started on day one during training in New York City, where all all 20 Fellows in the cohort came together. The thoughtful programming helped us form genuine connections that we then built on through weekly calls to catch up. This tight-knit group was a key support system for me during the summer, providing advice during times of uncertainty and tapping into their own networks when it was relevant to my projects. Even after the program's conclusion, we've continued discussing various impact investing topics, and I'm confident that these relationships will endure well beyond the summer and into the next phase of my career.

The Mosaic Fellowship also provided opportunities to connect with ICM funds across the city we were based in through happy hours and other events. I was genuinely impressed by the willingness of individuals at all levels to share their experience and expertise during these events and subsequent conversations. These experiences not only offered insights into navigating a career in impact investing but also provided advice and connections that were directly applicable my work with Leeds Illuminate. For instance, when speaking about one of my summer projects to someone at a New York City happy hour, they offered to introduce me to someone with highly relevant knowledge. Making this connection helped guide the work I was doing, and enhanced the value I could offer to my firm in assessing investments in that space.

Additionally, ICM paired each Fellow with a mentor who served as a valuable resource and sounding board throughout the summer. I am immensely grateful for my mentor’s support, which ranged from navigating networking conversations, to maximizing my experience during the summer, to considerations for my long-term career vision and goals. Furthermore, as I narrowed down my interests within impact investing ecosystem, my mentor facilitated connections with other ICM members, who graciously shared insights that clarified my focus for my second year of business school.

After an incredible summer, it is clear to me that the ICM community is a special one, dedicated to supporting its members and advancing the future of impact investing. I am so glad to have been a part of this community for the summer and look forward to staying in touch as I continue to advance my personal and professional goals!

Mosaic FellowsMarieke Spence